What is 300 Yard Impact?

Swing Faults Addressed

300 Yard Impact training aid has taken over a year of product development such that the training aid actually eliminates multiple swing fault. The 300 Yard Impact training aid comes with a glove and grip with a pre-installed shortened shaft to simulate the feel of holding an actual golf club. Getting the pad at the back of the glove flush against the wall every time will automatically train your body to eliminate the following swing faults:


Over the top






Early Extension


Reverse Pivot


Hanging Back


Flip and Scooping


Chicken Wing


Buy Your 300 Yard Impact Now


300 Yard Impact Golf Training Aid

Original price was: $54.95.Current price is: $49.95.

Same glove works for both right and left handed golfers

The 300 Yard Impact glove trains your body on how to move properly in the golf swing and get into the correct impact position every time. Getting into the correct impact position is not obtained by making just one or two particular moves in the golf swing but instead is a culmination of a lot of correct moves that happens as a result of the body swinging the club without tension and in the correct sequence. 300 yard impact training aid will help you to get to the correct impact by eliminating a variety of swing faults simultaneously.




The 300 Yard Impact glove is the only golf training aid in the market that allows you to simultaneously address multiple swing faults. You can practice in the comfort of your home, office or hotel room to ingrain the correct swing mechanics. 300 Yard Impact trains your body on how to sequence properly and get into the correct impact position every time. Getting into the correct impact position is not a function of making just one or two particular moves in the golf swing but instead is a culmination of a lot of correct moves that happen as a result of the body swinging the club in the correct sequence and without tension.


300 Yard Impact training aid has taken over a year of product development such that the training aid actually eliminates multiple swing fault. The 300 Yard Impact training aid comes with a glove and grip with a pre-installed shortened shaft to simulate the feel of holding an actual golf club. Getting the pad at the back of the glove flush against the wall every time will automatically train your body to eliminate the following swing faults:

01. Over the top

02. Sway

03. Slide

04. Early Extension

05. Reverse Pivot

06. Hanging Back

07. Flip and Scooping

08. Chicken Wing

01. Over the top

02. Sway

03. Slide

04. Early Extension

05. Reverse Pivot

06. Hanging Back

07. Flip and Scooping

08. Chicken Wing

See Why People Love 300 Yard Impact




As Good As They Get

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 38 reviews)
Very good3%

No Title

November 26, 2021

Ok listen up. I bought this in July as my first training aid. Used it for 2 weeks and was expecting to see some pretty dramatic improvements in my swing(not smart btw). So when I saw that it wasn t working I almost gave up on it. But then I saw a video with Monte saying that one of the biggest reasons why amateurs don t improve is because they give up too quickly. Considering how he hits the snot out of the golf ball, I decided to take his advice. I brought it with me to college and simply used it everyday for 30 minutes. Keep in mind I wasn t allowed to bring my golf clubs with me because my parents wanted me to focus on school more. So I came home for winter break with my only practice being literally countless reps of the 300 yard impact against the wall in my dorm room. And let me tell you, I ve never hit the ball so far and straight. The feeling you get of carrying the ball over 300 yards, to me, is the best feeling in golf. This training aid might not work right away, but I promise you Monte knows what he is talking about. If you have the patience and endurance to push through the bad shots, this will most certainly prove to be the best training aid you can currently buy, and it s not even close. Also I like the 300 yard impact name better than the Impact Handle haha.

Avatar for Pablo

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November 14, 2021

Waiting for the back-ordered 300 Yard Impact training aid was worth it. I am not a long hitter but “generally speaking” fairly straight. My miss is a push right once in awhile, but never out of play. I never understood why it happened… until I used the 300 Yard Impact. Following your video on how to use this aid, I was consistently hitting the wall squarely. Then it happened… one one slow motion swing I met the wall with edge of the pad. Clearly a wide open club face!! It seems that I occasionally fail to rotate my arms completely. Just lazy I guess. I now practice with the 300 Yard Impact before every trip to the golf course. I still push to the right, but not as often. Hopefully, that will disappear in the spring after practicing all winter.Now if it could only increase my swing speed to 95 mph!!

Avatar for Kenny

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November 11, 2021

While to be honest the item seemed gimmicky I trust Monte a ton due to his excellent online courses. So I bought one. I am using this daily for 2 or 3 minutes against a wall in my house. Snow and cold means I won t be able to see how it affects my game until the Canadian winter is over. Our courses won t open up here for about 5 more months. But I like the way it closes my wrists which were too open at impact and I sliced. It has a lot of potential why? Because Monte says so and I trust him. Before I would hit the wall with a sort of judo chop . Now the back of my left hand hits the wall. This should make a major difference, plus I bought all of Monte s online courses.Keep up the great work!

Avatar for Bernie

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October 31, 2021

I m a weekend golfer looking for a little help with my golf swing. I don’t have a lot of practise time and when I go to the golf course, I go to play with friends and have fun. So, I m all the more pleased how simple and fast I was able to understand how to improve my impact with Monty s product. After putting it on, it was literally hard NOT to get my hands moving directly to the impact position. This is a great product for people with limited practise time.

Avatar for Joy

No Title

October 24, 2021

It highlighted an excess of ulnar deviation for me at impact, and now I have started coming into the ball more neutrally. My handicap is dropping!

Avatar for Chris

How To Use

Our training aid is used against a wall. By reacting to a wall, the “steer” in the golf swing is taken out allowing for free movement to take place For a right-handed golfer, place the left foot against the wall while wearing the glove in the left hand and holding the golf grip (can be used by the left-handed golfer as well)

The objective is simply to get the pad on the back of the left wrist to hit the wall flush every time. Any swing fault will not allow the golfer to get to the flush position. The golfer automatically eliminates his/her swing faults to get to correct impact position

This training device can be used outdoors at ranges with dividers/walls in close proximity as well as indoors e.g. homes, hotel, office, winter training, etc

For best results, video your swing to identify which swing fault is not allowing you to hit the pad flush on the wall

Our Story


About Monte

Monte Scheinblum is a former world long drive champion and web.com Tour player. His innovative teaching draws golfers from every continent to his lesson tee in Irvine, California. He has worked with golfers from beginner, all the way up to PGA tour players. At the golf schools he conducts across The U.S. and The U.K. He uses his knowledge of the latest technology and teaching methods combined with his old school knowledge on how to play the game and “feel it.”



300 Yard Impact exists to help golfers intuitively understand how to reach the correct impact position by eliminating many swing faults simultaneously and building a repeatable golf swing that works for them.



I invented this device for two reasons. One, I wanted people to be able to learn and repeat the basic motor skills needed for a good golf swing, when they didn’t have time or the weather didn’t allow them a trip to the range and if they didn’t have a hitting bay in their house. It also helps people get past their desire to hit at the ball and produce poor movements as a result. It changes the focus from the ball and results of one shot into proper body movements and sequencing in order to execute a flush pad hit against the wall. All common swing faults will not allow a proper strike on the wall, so they are eliminated in favor of proper ones without the anxiety of a shot result holding you back.

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300 Yard Imapact LLC
3201 Bee Caves Rd Ste 160373
Austin, TX 78746

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