
300 Yard Impact Golf Training Aid

Original price was: $54.95.Current price is: $49.95.

Same glove works for both right and left handed golfers

The 300 Yard Impact glove trains your body on how to move properly in the golf swing and get into the correct impact position every time. Getting into the correct impact position is not obtained by making just one or two particular moves in the golf swing but instead is a culmination of a lot of correct moves that happens as a result of the body swinging the club without tension and in the correct sequence. 300 yard impact training aid will help you to get to the correct impact by eliminating a variety of swing faults simultaneously.



The 300 Yard Impact glove is the only golf training aid in the market that allows you to simultaneously address multiple swing faults. You can practice in the comfort of your home, office or hotel room to ingrain the correct swing mechanics. 300 Yard Impact trains your body on how to sequence properly and get into the correct impact position every time. Getting into the correct impact position is not a function of making just one or two particular moves in the golf swing but instead is a culmination of a lot of correct moves that happen as a result of the body swinging the club in the correct sequence and without tension.


300 Yard Impact training aid has taken over a year of product development such that the training aid actually eliminates multiple swing fault. The 300 Yard Impact training aid comes with a glove and grip with a pre-installed shortened shaft to simulate the feel of holding an actual golf club.

Getting the pad at the back of the glove flush against the wall every time will automatically train your body to eliminate the following swing faults:

01. Over the top

02. Sway

03. Slide

04. Early Extension

05. Reverse Pivot

06. Hanging Back

07. Flip and Scooping

08. Chicken Wing

01. Over the top

02. Sway

03. Slide

04. Early Extension

05. Reverse Pivot

06. Hanging Back

07. Flip and Scooping

08. Chicken Wing

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